​30 HILARIOUS memes ROASTING Trump's VP pick JD Vance for being weirder than we thought possible

Donald Trump vice prudent nominee JD Vance is being roasted by the Internet

Ever since former President Donald Trump announced that charisma void JD Vance would be his running mate, the internet hasn’t stopped roasting the felon’s vice president pick, and for good reason!

There is plenty to complain about when it comes to Vance’s political opinions. From wearing homophobia and transphobia like a badge of honor to supporting a national abortion ban and believing that women should stay in violent marriages, Vance’s views are terrifying.

If this wasn’t enough to make him a perfect candidate to be mercilessly roasted by the entire internet, then the weird things that come out of his mouth do.

During a 2021 interview with then Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the slimy politician claimed the country is being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies” like Vice President Kamala Harris. Considering how much the internet loves cats, this was a major misstep that people correctly refuse to stop making fun of him for. Doesn’t he realize that those same “childless cat ladies” have more time on their hands that can be used exclusively for whipping the floor with misogynistic politicians?

Vance is also being dunked on for trying to make an anti-woke joke that bombed while speaking at an event on Monday, proving that he has the personality of a wet paper towel. “It is the weirdest thing to me: Democrats say that it is racist to believe—well, they say it’s racist to do anything. I had a diet Mountain Dew yesterday, and one today. I’m sure they’re probably gonna call that racist too,” Vance said while laughing at his own “joke” because almost no one in the crowd did.

But perhaps our favorite new meme isn’t based on something he actually said but a hilarious rumor that we can’t stop laughing about. Before becoming a senator, Vance made a name for himself by writing the memoir Hillbilly Elegy, where he blames an entire region’s suffering on laziness and not the systemic failures of our government and social safety nets. Now, there is a rumor that the book contains a confession that he once tried having…ahem…relations with a latex glove stuffed between couch cushions has gone viral, sparking countless memes that will have you spitting out your Mountain Dew. Whoever started this rumor deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.

Normally, we wouldn’t kink shame anyone, but we’ll make an exception for a terrible Republican with a bizarre cushion fixation.

Keep scrolling to see the funniest memes about JD Vance that will give you one more reason to vote blue this November!

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