What in the WHAT are these DJT supporters wearing at the RNC?!

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

We know a lewk when we see one, but in the immortal words of Alyssa Edwards, “Mama this is garbage.”

This week the city of Milwaukee welcomed — well, sorta welcomed — the Republican National Convention a three-day fever dream of homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, and bending bruised knees to their dear leader Donald J. Trump.

Along with breaking Grindr and sporting absurdly massive bandages (because this isn’t a cult — sure, Jan), the attendees of the event have also been turning thier version of looks, which proves that THIS is what happens when there are no gay people in your lives — it’s tragic.

From “Don’t Tread on Me“ gowns to racist “Never Surrender" hats, it’s truly a blight to behold. Let’s put it this way, if it were a Met Gala theme it would be: Fashion Nightmare in Red, White, and Blue.

Think this is hyperbole? Well Mary, keep scrolling..

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

photo gallery trump supporters OTT outfits

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