Adorable gay couples share photos & prove their love was built to last in response to a viral tweet

Gay couples posted pictures of their longterm relationships after someone posted that gay relationships don't last on X

Love is in the air!

After someone made a post on X, claiming that “gay relationships never last,” they got the surprise of their life when gay men flooded the comment section with photos of their long-term relationships, and it is the cutest thing we’ve ever seen!

While there is a misconception that gay men are incapable of having long-lasting, meaningful relationships because they’re too busy sleeping around, that couldn’t be further from the truth (also, long-term open or poly relationships are a thing). Yes, hookup apps like Grindr, Scruff, and Sniffies are still raking in the big bucks, but hookup culture and situationships are happening in Straight Land, too.

To prove the original poster wrong, gay men took over the comment section, posting adorable couple’s photos — some even shared sweet then-and-now pics — proving just how beautiful and long-lasting gay relationships can be.

From fledgling couples who have only been together for two years to decades-long relationships that have stood the test of time, dozens of couples have now shared their love with the internet.

Listen, relationships are tough, and figuring out how to make them last for multiple decades through kids, job losses, or health crises can be difficult. But these men prove that love can prevail, which should warm even the most cynical heart.

Keep scrolling to see the gay couples proving that love is real!

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