Ricky Martin's summer recap is thirst trap heaven & serving sexy feet pics galore

 Ricky Martin is damn fine.

How rich is Ricky Martin? Rich enough to be posting bare feet pics on main for FREE.

Martin has been very open about his kink for feet, also known as podophilia. In an interview with GQ earlier this year, the Puerto Rican pop icon shared his thoughts in depth. "I love feet. I have a foot thing," he said candidly. "I love foot massages, and I would kiss your feet like crazy for hours. But we all have something. Some have a fetish of armpits."

It's also been a way for Martin to connect with his fans. When asked about how much of his feet pic posting was for the fans, he continued, "Let’s open the conversation! Let me like this comment that said, ‘I like your feet.’ I have fans that can draw my feet like a piece of art. They write to me: ‘Ricky, I can recognize your feet a mile away.’"

Even if feet aren't your thing, Martin's energy and authenticity are infectious. In his recent summer wrap up video posted to Instagram, the singer is clearly living his best life. Amid pictures of his globe trotting and spending time with his kids, he's also taken time to show his fans that at 52 years old, he's aging like fine wine. Here are the best thirst traps and sexiest feet pics from his summer 2024 highlight reel.

Ricky Martin taking a mirror selfie in a shirt soaked with sweat post workout.

Ricky Martin's right foot in a swimming pool.

Ricky Martin shirtless in bed.

Ricky Martin in white boxers with a white towel in his mouth taking a full body mirror selfie.

a POV picture of Ricky Martin's legs, in grey sweat shorts and sneakers.

Ricky Martin from behind, shirtless and in loose white pants, overlooking a city from a window.

A POV of Ricky Martin's feet as he sits on a patio by the beach.

Ricky Martin, shirtless, sitting poolside.

Ricky Martin's right leg and foot receiving a foot massage.

Ricky Martin, shirtless, taking a selfie and throwing up a peace sign.

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