Stop doomscrolling, start thirsting.

Well, election day is finally here and, like most of us, you're probably stressing the f*ck out. And rightfully so, especially considering all that is riding on this presidential race.
It'll probably take some time before we get to see who the projected winner is, but in the mean time, we know how easy it is to get into the habit of doomscrolling on your phone, seeing all sorts of headlines and commentary about the worst case scenarios and the (very real) possibility of having some of the rights we've fought so hard over the years set back by a certain orange-hued politician.
While it's of extreme importance to stay informed, we wholeheartedly believe you shouldn't be pulling your hair out from the stress of the election for the next 24 hours straight, so we wanted to help alleviate the stress the best way we know how: pictures of our favorite LGBTQ+ studs.
So take a breather for a few minutes and scroll through to see some eye candy from some of our fave sexy queer celebs! (Thank us later!)