David is playing the game — and honestly, we’re here for it. Not only is he following through with his desire to explore connections, but he’s also making great TV with this love…. Triangle? Square? No make that a love trapezoid.
Last week a new Himbo entered the DILF mansion, the dreamy circus performer, Steff who first caught (taken) Daddy David’s eye, but ultimately snatched Samuel’s Daddy Robert — much to the shock and chagrin of that Himbo.
Then to top it all off Justin decided to self-eliminate, but not before handing off Dr. DILF’s golden cellphone, which gives him some as of yet unannounced advantage. The twists? The turns!
Could we love this show any more than we already do? No, the answer is no.

This week kicks off in the aftermath of that dramatic finale with Timmy and Samuel reconvening by the pool to discuss how they feel about where they stand with their daddies and Timmy spilling some major tea about some extracurricular activities that went down in the Daddy’s room the night before.
Cue the grainy black-and-white footage! We love a receipt and here we see David first getting cozy with Timmy before doing the exact same thing with Steff while Timmy watches on.
Listen, is it dramatic? Sure. But what else are these folks here to do but explore connections and chemistry with one another, so we can't totally blame David for doing exactly that. Should have done it mere feet from his other connection? Probably not. Are we glad that he did it for our viewing pleasure? Duh.

What can we say, we love spicy drama — especially since it sets up Nicholas to make his move on Timmy. We can’t wait to see how this turns out.